WTF? a framework for conversations in difficult times

The last several years have been hard. It can often feel like a once stable and predictable world has been replaced by a constant dumpster fire, sometimes punctuated by new “shocking” event that add to the fire. It’s easy to feel scared and often difficult to be present. These feelings can be made more intense by a deep feeling of powerlessness. To help you and your community see your power, your creativity, and to explore ways to use them that are aligned with Visionary Organizing, VOL has put together the following guide to have discussions in your community, your family, your workplace, and in all kinds of other organizations. Please use it in whatever way makes sense. If you have the energy, please let us know how you’ve used it.

*This guide should not be used for conversations with groups of people who have fundamental disagreements with each other. VOL will provide such a guide in the future