Work Differently: Visionary Organizing for Professional and Organizational Development
A four session training for individuals that explores how to apply the components of Visionary Organizing to work. Participants learn to equally emphasize their material and nonmaterial needs in their work by naming their personal callings, exploring how to apply it to their work, and by developing plans to navigate the difficulties that arise within an organization. As a result, participants develop a clear sense of their personal purpose and identify how to make their organizational/professional work align with it.
By engaging participants with media on history and processes to see how oppressive systems lead people away from their inner wisdom, VOL teacher-facilitators root participants in four of the six components of Visionary Organizing and help people understand what it means to exist and work differently. With this knowledge participants are empowered to meet their non-material needs by reconnecting to their inner-wisdom, tapping into their specific gifts, and exploring how to use them in the world, their jobs, within organizations, and stand in them when times are difficult.
Event Dates:
Monday, March 24 | 12p - 2p EST
Tuesday, March 25 | 12p - 2p EST
Monday, March 31 | 12p - 2p EST
Tuesday, April 1 | 12p - 2p EST
Cost: $150-450